Thursday, August 7, 2008

Missing: My self esteem

Has anybody seen my self esteem? I have lost it.

So fashion these days allows us ladies to wear the lovely flowing long shirts...which I quite adore...that is until today.

I'm feeling my leggings and long shirt until Verne from our sister station Magic 102.9 merrily exclaims, "Hey Hillary! Are you pregnant?" (That's Verne above)


And that is when my self esteem went missing. Sure I am a little chunky, but now I look pregnant! GREAT!

I actually liked this shirt too, just got it....won't be wearing it again.

When are people going to learn that until you get a baby shower invitation, see an umbilical chord or a sonogram not to ask that question. Men that is DANGEROUS territory!!! Verne is lucky to still have limbs...close call Vern...close call.

***So I made Charlie take a picture of me and he says, "Oh it's a long shirt and your vivacious hips." Thanks Charlie that made it better (sniff, sniff)


Anonymous said...

Men, the NERVE! Switch the letters around and what does that spell?! ...and that Vern looked like such a nice guy, too! Actually I heard he IS a nice guy and gives gift cards as baby shower gifts. You really should have said "Yes and we'd really love a (fill in blank with your favorite place to spend) gift card!"

Hillary said...

Good point Nani...get the gifts...but wouldn't he become suspicious when I registered for new sheets and a panini maker???

Anonymous said...

Okay...I put anonymous not because I'm embarrassed, but because I didn't want to sign in (but it's your short buddy Jenn).
Anyway, I had a (drunk) guy in a bar ask me when my baby was due!! Hello??? I'm in a bar...drinking! I would hope there is no baby! (And mind you I was in a cute, slimming black halter). Anyway, the guy kept apologizing, which I thanked him for, but also told him there was NO WAY he was going to dig himself out of THAT hole. He tried to hit on me later, and actually gave me a giftcard to Outback. So, I guess I got something good out of it. Tell Vern he owes you a girftcard - it's only fair!!

Anonymous said...

Are those MY leggins that were MIA at Mom's house for over a month? You know...if you are not going to wear that shirt again, I will :)

Hillary said...

You know Heather maybe these people were sitting around a board room and said, "HMMM you know we should not only make one pair of leggings but several and sell them for a profit." No they are my got yours in the mail remember?