Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is that a candle in your ear or are you just happy to see me?

I've been wanting to try this for awhile. I heard it does amazing things for your hearing, but putting a big flame in your head kind of made me hesitant. However, my friend Kate bought some and said, "We are doing it!" That is Kate below...we were excited!

I was on board knowing she would go first and if she started to scream in agony my participation in ear wax removal would end immediately. So we did the "smart" thing and opened a bottle of wine before putting a lit flame in our ear. (I kid, I kid)

I was expecting this hollow gauze tube, soaked in bees wax, to take out some pretty gruesome stuff out of my old ear canal, but there was nothing gross about it. It took about 15 minutes on each ear, and the wax didn't drip inside my ear, but I am assuming the smoke pulled the ear wax up into the hollow candle.

The end result? A pollen like substance which I can only assume was ear wax. Kind of a disappointment....I was expecting gruesome, but at least their wasn't a brain in there.

Today my ears feel good...not great...just good, but I feel like I can hear much better. I suggest you try it. You can buy them at your local health food store. Kate picked them up at Sunshine Health Foods (http://www.sunshinehf.com/ )on Southfield for $2.00 a piece...not bad.

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