Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just one more reason to L-O-V-E her!

Cedar Rapids, Iowa was recently hit with some nasty spring floods causing major damage so Taylor Swift figured she would cancel her concert because that was the last thing they wanted to do was party.However, the Mayor caller her and said that he really wish she would reconsider because they needed a pick-me-up. So she did and even more.

Taylor not only did the concert BUT she also donated $100,000 to the Red Cross to help rebuild their city. (How cool is she. Yeah and she is only 18! Not many 18 year olds are that selfless. She is amazing!)

Taylor told People magazine:

"The people in this town have been through so much loss this year, and my heart goes out to them. They've stood by me, they gave me a sold-out show. You've got to pay forward in life...that's all I did in Cedar Rapids." (ANGEL and so articulate)

*Side note Taylor is going to help her tour buddies Rascal Flatts announce this year's major CMA nominees on the September 10th edition of "Good Morning America"

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