Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Listen up men! Do you drink instant coffee???

Gentlemen if by drinking instant coffee you think you are saving yourself time, well you might want to start using that extra time to get a bra-fitting...or is it a bro-fitting, or manzierre?

Any who, according to a new study from the MRC Dunn Himan Nutrition Unit instant coffee can cause MAN-BOOBS!!!!

Supposedly instant coffee has high levels of a chemical called phytoestrogen which can cause all sorts of weird things to happen to a man's body boobs.

1 comment:

Holli Nixon said...

We are not coffee drinkers but I do use it in cooking...and icings and such. Do you think the hormone cooks out? Does it also have the effect of shrinking so called "boy parts" in favor of giving them "female parts"?