Friday, November 7, 2008

Breaking News!!!

Yesterday, officials for the National Toy Hall of Fame announced that three classic toys will be added to their collection at the Strong National Museum in Rochester, New York.

The three classic toys consist of the baby doll, the skateboard, and...THE STICK!

And yes, by stick they are talking about the one you pick off trees.

I know everyone at one point has played with a stick but what an odd choice. Were they running low on options? How did they go about picking the stick? Does size really matter when choosing"the stick" to put in the museum? So many questions left unanswered.

Anywho, here is a photo of "the stick" being inducted into the Hall of Fame:

The stick is the one on the right....I think.


Anonymous said...

You are so hilarious! I love the stick comment about the guy! haha!

RadioTodd said...

Mason's favorite toy is a stick too... then he whacks the crap out of his brother with it.... so it's definitely his favorite :)