Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It is so hot...How hot is it?

GEEZ!!! Who is ready for winter? I AM! A burn ban in caddo parish today..for the past three days tempatures over 100 degrees. If you smell bacon it is my thighs on my office chair.

Reminds me of that old Johnny Carson bit: It is so hot...How hot is it? Here are a few of my favorites:

It is so hot....
  • I have found my seatbelt buckle can double as a branding iron.

  • You discovered it only takes two fingers to drive your car.

  • Water in public swimming pools is evaporating so fast that children are being encouraged to swim in the deep end and to keep ignoring the "no pee" rule.

Got any?


Anonymous said...

It is so hot Bill Clinton got a slurpee AND THEN went to the Circle K!!!

Hillary said...

Nice Derek! Mr. Anonymous- haha