Thursday, January 1, 2009


OK so this is my last day of vacation. I am happy to know that I will be back at work and back on a schedule, but I know when my alarm clock goes off at 3am tomorrow morning it is going to hurt.....A LOT! I have that feeling in my stomach you would get on Sundays when you knew you had to go back to school after a long break...remember that? I hate that feeling.
There are so many things I planned to do over the vaca that I never got done around the house because I have been busy with work. Did I get them done? Absolutely NOT.
However, I have really enjoyed the time with family and friends....and I hope your holidays were enjoyed as well.
So...what have I been up to? Well I tested the theory of whether blondes really do indeed have more fun.

Yep that is me in excruciating pain as I bleached non-existent hairs on my upper lip...that is not a fun experience but it's better than waxing and looking like Chewbacca. This was my older sister's idea. I really think she just wanted a good laugh, or maybe I did have a mustache and this was her polite way of saying it....yeah, no...she just wanted to laugh. However, I have to say I do believe my upper lip now has more fun than my lower...hmmmm.

I played with my little sister's new laptop webcam.....

Yes that is me....nice huh?
And I ate....and ate.....and ate...and ate!
So now I am back....missed you bunches, but I have to say sleeping in was nice.

Here is to another year! HELLO 2009!!!! Ready or not here we come! Until then here is my theme song...sing along


Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaa...OMG this all one entry by you? You're hysterical!!! You, me and Sarah Palin need to get together on the upper lip issue. WT are you supposed to do there? Happy New Year, Hillary!

RadioTodd said...

Hahaha!!! The third webcam pic is my favorite!!

As soon as I get a sec, I'll have to share pics from Trale's new kid camera on the blog. Crazy pics!