Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hillary's Christmas Gift of the day

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Well, I disagree. I think the way to everyones heart is through their stomach. And in saying that I now present to you my gift of the day- Specialized ice cream!!!

Who doesn't like ice cream? Anyone would appreciate a sweet treat made just for them. Ecreamery (found at does just that. With more than 60 flavors and mix-in toppings to choose from, you can design your own ice cream. First, pick your milk base whether it be gelato, traditional or creme, second your two flavors and then lastly your two mix-ins. Seal the deal with a creative name and choice of packaging color ans WA-LA...Merry Christmas.

MMMMOOOOOve over Bluebell Ecreamery has got it goin' on.

(1/2 gallon comes in 4 pint size containers for $49.99)

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